Pediatric Cancer Survivorship Support Program
For Guardians of Pediatric Cancer Survivors
Fee: Donation based I Length of Program: 6 weeks I starts January 2023
This is a short-term (6 week) group-based program for parents of children who have recently finished cancer treatment. Parents will be provided evidence backed coping strategies and offered the opportunity to connect and process with other parents who are in a similar situation. This program acknowledges that even in survivorship there is often grief. We will address the sense of loss many parents feel for the childhood they thought their child would have and changes in family dynamics (including between partners or coparents and between siblings). While finishing cancer treatment if often a celebratory time, many parents find that they are still coping with the difficult emotions they felt at diagnosis and asking themselves “What just happened to us?!” after treatment ends. This program acknowledges that the expectation for everything to go back to “normal,” or how life was prior to diagnosis is often not realistic and that parents often need additional time to process their experiences.
If you have any additional questions, email us at or give us a call at 504-270-9618.